“Trans Leader” LLC is an international freight forwarding company, which has had many achievements and strengthened its positions in the competitive market due to its long experience. As an experienced and responsible partner, it was able to gain the trust of the customers. The company’s main principles are the cargo transportation security and speed. With many years of experience in the Armenian freight market, the company offers a wide range of transportation services, competitive prices and individual approach to each customer. If desired, you can control the movement of vehicles from your offices through the computer by means of the navigation system LOCATOR.AM, installed in our vehicles.

It does not matter who is ahead and who is behind, it is important who is moving the fastest


Road Cargo Transportation

Road Cargo Transportation

Cargo Transportation to CIS Countries
Cargo Transportation from CIS Countries to Armenia
Cargo Transportation from Europe to Armenia


Cargo insurance

Cargo insurance

The company is ready to insure your cargo, if you wnted.

The cargo will be insured during the whole transportation from loading up to unloading and storage.

Customs brokerage services

Customs brokerage services

Formation of customs documents
Formation of certificates, licenses, permits and other documents



Storage of the goods

Loading / unloading

Cargo selection and sorting

Our organization's routine